What Are Challenges of Licensing Content Across Various Media Platforms?


    What Are Challenges of Licensing Content Across Various Media Platforms?

    In the dynamic world of content, professionals across the board face the challenges of cross-platform licensing. We've compiled five insightful experiences from industry leaders, including Marketing Directors and CEOs. From navigating ambiguous rules to keeping up with evolving regulations, explore how they approach the nuanced landscape of content licensing.

    • Navigating Ambiguous Licensing Rules
    • Complying Across Jurisdictions
    • Adapting to Regional Exclusivity Rights
    • Negotiating Favorable Terms Aligned with Goals
    • Keeping Up with Constantly Evolving Regulations

    Navigating Ambiguous Licensing Rules

    One challenge we've faced is the ambiguity and differing interpretations of licensing across various platforms. Different platforms have their own rules and procedures for how they manage licensing and intellectual property, which can be confusing. Some licenses are not clear-cut and may require legal interpretation, leading to misunderstandings among developers about their responsibilities. While the licensing rules for images have become more straightforward, this clarity hasn't extended to audiovisual content, especially broadcast content.

    For instance, any CTO who has dealt with Microsoft’s volume license agreements and product use rights knows that Microsoft often includes a lot of gray areas in its contracts. This likely stems from the difficulty of capturing all the technical details that might influence licensing rights in a single document.

    In simple terms, this lack of clear licensing guidelines presents a significant challenge for content creators. It makes it hard for them to track where and how their content is being used and to confirm the legitimacy of its usage.

    Precious Abacan
    Precious AbacanMarketing Director, Softlist

    Complying Across Jurisdictions

    One challenge we've faced in licensing content across different media platforms is ensuring compliance with varying copyright laws and regulations in different jurisdictions. Each platform may have its own set of licensing terms and restrictions, making it complex to navigate and ensure full compliance.

    Additionally, negotiating licensing agreements with multiple platforms can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, requiring careful negotiation to ensure fair terms and adequate protection of our intellectual property rights. Furthermore, managing rights and permissions across different platforms while maintaining control over how our content is used and distributed can be challenging.

    Perry Zheng
    Perry ZhengFounder and CEO, Pallas

    Adapting to Regional Exclusivity Rights

    One of the major challenges I’ve experienced when licensing content across media is the differences in the regions of the world. Because of this, the world of digital media is particularly fraught with complications, as online media can be accessed from all parts of the globe, complicating compliance with local laws.

    For instance, we tried to license a package of educational videos for streaming services and cable TV in a range of countries, only to find that, in Europe, we had to navigate the Digital Single Market rules, which allow online content and services to circulate freely among the EU’s member states. The licensing agreements therefore had to be drafted so as to respect the territorial exclusivity rights of the local broadcasters, as well as EU-wide rules that facilitate the portability of online content.

    We fought this by talking to lawyers who specialize in international media rights and tailoring our licensing agreements to the point where they were bulletproof and above board under all international and domestic laws that might govern them. We also opened up the process of negotiation and were very fluid with terms of licensing, reworking them for each region to fit with their own rules and regulations.

    Mark McShane
    Mark McShaneFounder, Mental Health First Aid Course

    Negotiating Favorable Terms Aligned with Goals

    Navigating the licensing landscape for content across various media platforms was a hurdle, particularly with variations in usage rights and fees. The challenge intensified when adapting our educational materials on government contracting for different formats. We overcame this by establishing strong relationships with platform providers, negotiating terms that aligned with our goals for wide distribution. This strategic approach not only broadened our reach but also ensured that our content remained consistent and compliant across all channels.

    Josh Ladick
    Josh LadickPresident, GSA Focus

    Keeping Up with Constantly Evolving Regulations

    One of the biggest challenges in licensing content across platforms is the constant evolution of the media landscape. Here, we pride ourselves on offering a seamless customer experience across devices and channels. This means we want our product descriptions, tutorials, and even user-generated content to be easily accessible. However, securing the rights to use content like music or celebrity appearances can be a complex negotiation with varying terms depending on the platform (website, mobile app, social media). It necessitates keeping up with these constantly evolving regulations and ensuring our licenses are sufficiently broad to prevent any concerns about copyright infringement. Providing our consumers with the greatest experience possible is an ongoing balancing act.

    Faizan Khan
    Faizan KhanPublic Relations and Content Marketing Specialist, Ubuy UK