How To Summarize A Story: A Simple Guide


How To Summarize A Story: A Simple Guide

Summarizing a story is a useful skill. I will tell you why. It can capture the main points and leave out unnecessary details. You will need it as a student, a writer, or someone who loves reading. Plus, it makes the complex stories easier to understand. This article will discuss the process in a way that is easy to follow and apply.

What Is A Story Summary?

Summarizing a story means retelling the critical points in your own words. A summary captures the most essential parts of a story. It includes main events, characters, and conflicts without leaving out any unnecessary details. You can consider it condensing a long narrative into a short version. In short, you get to convey the story’s overall meaning.

And it’s not just me saying it. Studies say that people only focus on one thing 8 seconds on average. So, conveying information concisely is more important than ever.

A summary of a story is not about rewriting every part of the story. Instead, you can focus on the essential aspects and cut out the less important parts. A good summary should be brief but still informative. It gives readers a clear understanding of what the story is about.

In fact, storytelling doesn’t need to be hard. All you need to do is follow some simple templates to base your story on, like presentations or creating the right ‘moments’.

The key points in a story

It is important to know the key points before summarizing a story. Whether a novel, short story, or movie, each story has some core elements. These include:

Main characters: These are the individuals or entities around whom the story revolves. They are the ones who often face conflicts.

Setting: It is the time and place where the story unfolds. It establishes the mood and context for the events.

Conflict: It is the main problem or the conflicts that the characters face. It is usually what the plot drives forward.

Plot: The main events of the story, from the beginning through the exciting parts to the end.

Resolution: What happens at the end of the story and how problems are solved.

Theme: The deeper message or lesson of the story. The idea that stays with you after the story ends.

Summarizing a story is about how well you can address these points briefly. Do not worry iif the summary is significantly shorter. It ensures that it still conveys the essential parts of the story.

How to Prepare a Summary of A Story

Preparation is the key when summarizing a story. You need to understand the story fully before condensing it into a summary. Rushing can lead to missing important details or including irrelevant ones.

Read or listen carefully: Start by reading or listening attentively to the story. Never skim the material and pay attention to what happens in each part of the story. You may need to read it more than once if it is a long story.

Identify the structure: Break the story into three main parts. It must contain the beginning, middle, and end. Each section must have critical events or turning points that shape the story.

Take notes: Jot down notes on the main characters, the setting, and the conflicts. Note the important events when you read. Keep it simple— write down the key ideas without full sentences. Capture the essence of each part of the story to help you write your summary later.

Highlighting key points: Underline or highlight meaningful quotes or sentences in the text. It is essential to understanding the story. These are the points that should make it into your summary.

A Step By Step Guide on How To Summerize A Story

It is easy to start summarizing once you have prepared the story. Follow these simple steps to generate a practical story summary.

  1. Start with the Title and author: Every story should begin by mentioning the title and the author’s name. This helps readers to understand the summary from the start.

  1. Focus on the Main Characters: Only mention the characters who are crucial to the plot. Skip side characters unless they have an essential part in the story.

  1. Describe the setting: Briefly mention where and when the story takes place. It is important for context. It is good to include it even if the setting is not the most essential part of the story.

  1. Explain the Conflict: Clearly explain the plot's main problem. This is the central issue the characters face and must overcome. Ensure you describe it simply so that the reader understands the main conflict in the story.

  1. Outline the plot: Shorten the main events into a shorter form. Focus on the key events that lead from beginning to the end. Avoid going too much into detail and give a general overview of what happens.

  1. Discuss the resolution: First, explain the plot. Then, briefly mention how the conflict is resolved. This part should be simple and clear, providing closure to the story. This section ties everything together and shows how the story comes to a conclusion.

  1. Mention the theme: If the story has a clear message or lesson, ensure you include it. Summaries that capture the theme are more complete and insightful.

How AI Makes Summarising Easy & Fast

AI is beneficial for making summaries because it works quickly and accurately. It helps students, professionals, and researchers understand large amounts of information faster. AI tools can summarise and find important patterns and ideas in a text. This helps make complex sentences easier to understand.

ReadPartner is a great AI tool for summarising. It simplifies the process. We can break down long articles or papers into short and clear summaries. With ReadPartner, users can save time while still getting the main points of the content.

Key Benefits of Using AI Summarising Tool





AI processes information quickly

Saves time for users


Provides precise summaries and analysis

Reduces misunderstandings and errors.

Textual Analysis

Identifies themes and patterns in a text.

Boost the understanding of complex sentences


AI summarizing tools are easy to use

Make the summarizing simple for users


Offer clear and summaries

It helps focus on important information.

Story Summary Example

A hare always brags about how fast he can run in a forest. One day, a slow tortoise gets tired of hearing it and challenges the hare for a race. The hare quickly runs ahead. But sure of his speed, he decided to nap, thinking he had plenty of time. Meanwhile, the tortoise keeps going slowly without stopping. And finally when we have the hare waking up, it’s too late. He sees that the tortoise is already near the finish line. Even though he runs fast, the hare cannot catch up. And so the tortoise wins the race.

The Tortoise and the Hare

Tips for Revising & Improving Summaries

Writing a summary does not end when you finish the first draft. Revising your summary is essential as well.

Check for clarity

Read it over to ensure it is clear and easy to understand when you are done writing the summary. Would someone who has not read the story know what it is about? If you find anything confusing, rewrite those sections to make them clearer.

Remove unnecessary details

A common mistake in summarizing is including too many details. Look through your summary and identify any parts that are not essential. Consider removing it if a sentence does not contribute to the main points.

Keep it in your own words

Always rewrite the story in your own words. Try not to copy essential phrases from the original text. This can make your summary less engaging. Using your own voice ensures that the summary feels fresh and personal.

Focus on the big picture

Ensure the summary of a story stays focused on the main points. Avoid discussing the side plots unless they help understand the overall message. Summarizing is all about capturing the big picture, not the small details.


Summarizing a story can showcase the main idea clearly and simply. Focus on critical points like the main characters, plot, and theme. It can help to create a short and informative summary. With good preparation and the steps outlined here, summarizing can be easy.

Remember to revise your summary. Make it clearer, remove extra details, and focus on the essential parts of the story. With proper practice, you will improve your summary and feel more confident.


What is a story summary?

A story summary means giving a brief version of the story. You focus on the most important parts, like the main events, ideas or characters. It should be shorter than the original story and easy to understand.

How can I prepare to summarise a story?

To prepare, read the story carefully from start to finish. Pay attention to important points, the main problem, and how it is solved. You can take notes or highlight key parts to organize your thoughts before writing a summary.

What should I avoid when summarizing a story?

When summarising a story, do not include any small details or side events. Keep your summary focused on the main points. Avoid sharing your personal opinions. Try not to give away the ending unless it is important to understand the story.

Sovic Chakrabarti
Sovic Chakrabarti

Sovic Chakrabarti, Director, Icy Tales